Thursday, August 27, 2009

Prompt 1

Per the syllabus, this actually won't be due until Sept. 9, but the first Prompt assignment is the Google group response to Clive Thompson's Wired article on the "new literacy." To receive those 10 points, you should post a response to Thompson's piece on the Google group, and a response to one of your classmates' responses (5 points for each). Most of you have done this already, but I wanted to put the assignment in writing somewhere right away. So here it is.

If you had trouble posting on the opening night of class, please retry now. It seems to be working for just about everyone. And let me know if you have problems doing that.

Please check your email and Twitter contacts in the sidebar on the right, and see if you are receiving my tweets from @profbrett. I'd like to have all of these communication connections completed by next week's class.


- Prof Brett Oppegaard

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